Many frequently asked questions & answers on growing our plants, care, & selection can be found below.
If you don't find an answer to your question here, you can send it to us using the questions form and we will respond as soon as possible. You may even find your question added to our FAQ page!
Do blueberry plants need full sun?
Yes, they need full sun for best production.
What time of the year do you ship plants?
We grow and ship plants all year. There are seasons when some plants are not available. When a plant isn't available you will see those plants marked as sold out.
How big a hole is needed for the blueberry plants?
We recommend a hole at least twice the size of the container that the plant comes in.
Can you plant in the fall?
Yes, fall is a good time to plant.
How much water do plants need?
At least 1 inch of water per week, more if it is hot.
Will birds eat blueberries?
Yes, you can protect the fruit with netting.