Origin: (2005) North Carolina State
- A mid-season to late flowering cultivar. Plant one or more of the theses cultivars to obtain the optimum fruit set; Powderblue, Tifblue, or Onslow.
- The height of a mature plant is 6 to 7 feet and slightly spreading. The plants tend to produce excessive growth at the base, so pruning yearly is necessary.
- Ripening is mid-season, a few days ahead of the late cultivars Tifblue and Powderblue.
- Yields are high, exact yield data is not available yet.
- Fruits are superior in size and are uniform from the first ripe fruits to the harvest end. Flavor is excellent with distinct sweetness with little acidity.
- Berry quality is considered by most to be the best among the judgment of all cultivars. The fruits do not crack or split as they become ripe and there are no stemming problems with the post harvest fruit. The fruit color is very attractive for fresh marketing.
- Harvesting is done by hand. With the advances in mechanical harvesters, it will be possible to harvest the extremely large fruits with minimal damage, as the bush is conducive for the machines.
- Marketing of the fruits will be mainly for fresh markets due to the firmness, quality, and appearance of its fruit. The quality fruits have the advantage of being stored in controlled atmosphere conditions for many weeks without damage to the fruit. Hardiness Zones 9b-7a.
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