Origin: North Carolina Agriculture Research Station
- Highbush type cultivar.
- The plants are of standard height of 5-6 feet at maturity, and very upright, with good vigor. Plants are resistant to stem blight disease (Botryosphaena dothidia).
- Ripening is 7 days later than Legacy, and will extend into the second harvest of Elliott.
- Yields in Chattsworth, New Jersey in 2006, seem to be 15 pounds per plant, and have been consistent in prior years, compared to other named cultivars.
- Fruit size is medium to large and very attractive for the fresh market. The flavor has the distinct aromas, high sugar, and small acidity of the true blueberry.
- Fruits have excellent firmness, and insignificant stems scars. Stems do not adhere to the berry and premature cracking of the fruits is not apparent. The fruits also appear to have resistance to anthroacnose fruit rot, (Colletutrichum spp.). Fruits exhibit a long shelf life of storage.
- Harvesting is done by hand, although the plant will lend itself to mechanical harvesting for fresh marketing of the large and firm fruits.
- Marketing should be for the fresh markets, because of the fruits fine flavor, firmness, and appearance.
- The variety is an excellent choice for growers in California and the Pacific Northwest because the plant is 100% adapted for mechanical harvesting of fruit for packaging for the fresh market. Hardiness Zones 8-5.
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